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Major insurance lobbyists, like Karen Ignagni of AHIP, once willing to compromise on reform, are now feeling the push as the vote draws closer. (NYT) Lobbyists are bombarding key members


Major insurance lobbyists, like Karen Ignagni of AHIP, once willing to compromise on reform, are now feeling the push as the vote draws closer. (NYT) Lobbyists are bombarding key members of Congress, like Senator Max Baucus, and say the recent criticism of their industry is moot. (WSJ)

Bill Clinton gets a pardon for two American journalists from Kim Jong-il himself. (Reuters)

SEC Chair Mary Schapiro is considering a ban on flash orders, where computer-based trading programs get ad advantage over retail investors. (WSJ)

New GM Chairman Edward Whitacre won’t decrease the company’s market share, even as the company shaves its operation. (NYT)

Ivy League universities cut their sports budgets as endowments plunge. (Bloomberg)