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Our list of congressional-staffers-turned-healthcare-lobbyists has grown.  We’ve already identified 140 lobbyists from the offices of people like Baucus, Grassley and Emanuel. Big props to our leading analyst @ddwriter who is


Our list of congressional-staffers-turned-healthcare-lobbyists has grown.  We’ve already identified 140 lobbyists from the offices of people like Baucus, Grassley and Emanuel. Big props to our leading analyst @ddwriter who is leading the Lobbyist Editing Challenge with a whopping 462 points!

To keep up this momentum, we need you to participate in our contest. Here are a few easy ways to gain points and get closer to becoming the Lobbyist Editing Challenge victor.

Pick a state. Head over to and find the list of congresspeople who represent the state of your choice.  Use that list as a place to start your research. Pick a member and begin researching his or her former staffers. I chose to investigate former staffers from New York State Congressional members. You can find my list here.

Follow your reps. Consider checking out lobbyists who have worked for your members of Congress.  Not sure who your reps are?  Find them here.

Fill in profiles. We’ve identified quite a few former staffers who now lobby for the health care industry, but we haven’t had time to fill in everyone’s profile.  This is a quick and easy way to help. Start by checking the profiles in the Huffington Post Watch List. Check out the staffers for each profile. If it doesn’t look like they are a health care lobbyist, we need your help!  Head to OpenSecrets to find the healthcare companies they have lobbied for.

Finally, be sure to add new finds to the master list.  Try one of these easy steps and you’ll be in the lead!  If you have questions along the way, email erin [at] littlesis [dot] org.